Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Fusion tables

I was having some luck getting fusion tables to work using Derek Ender's stuff. I added radio buttons to distinguish between days of the week. I wanted to add the same thing for times of day. A way to accomplish this is to have a fields corresponding to every time slot. Of course, this could greatly increase the size of the data. I wasn't sure if it would break fusion tables, nor did I know exactly how much, but I decided to go for it.

The resulting JSON turned out to be 1.23 GBs. Too big. The total size allowed is 1 GB, and each table can be up to 250 MB.

I was originally setting the fields as 'true' or 'false'. Changed it to 't' and 'f' in an effort to limit size.
Reduced it down to 1.08 GB... I mean, it seems small, but 0.15 GB is still 150 MB. Nothing to scoff at.

I could try reducing the field names too... But no matter what I do, it'll be tough to get the table size below 250 MB.

The original JSON with most fields cut was 142.7 MB, while the CSV was only 54.1 MB. That means the CSV was 38% of the original JSON size. We'd still be too big. I'd need to get the JSON down to 658 MB for the same math to work out for the 250 table size limit. Maybe try splitting the data by day?

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