Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Coordinates figured out

I went back to the source - the shapefile. I went about looking for a way to convert this directly into a CSV, and found these instructions. Interestingly as I was going through the steps of installing the software, it seemed eerily familiar. I had done this before. I don't recall how far I got, but I already had the FWTools shell that it called for. Ran the conversion per the instructions, and it gave me the CSV with the coordinates in WGS84 geodedic!

A few simple modifications to a few scripts, and I'm plotting all the (current) points on a map:

Next steps, not necessarily in this order (but maybe?):
  1. Run all the descriptions through the NLP parser. I don't think I've successfully done that yet.
  2. Figure out a better plotting scheme. Perhaps a heat map? There are lots of things Google Maps supports.
  3. Embed the map in a separate page. The page has a time selector (perhaps a drop down with options from 12:00am, 12:15am, all the way to 11:45pm). Have a button to enter the new time, and have the display adapt to show which spots are free during that time.
    1. Maybe two radio buttons. First, which is default, is current time. Second is a drop down menu.
    2. Either have a button, or dynamically change whenever things change? Maybe not, until performance is lightning quick.
  4. Revisit the "remove dashes between times" processing. If there's something like "8-10am", and we separate that into "8" and "10am", the "8" appears hard to figure out as a time by the NLP parser. Should be easy to find these cases.
    1. If there are degenerate cases like 10-1am, I dunno, what does that even mean? I guess we have to interpret that as 10am to 1am, which is certainly possible. Without any context, we probably can't assume something like 10pm-1am. Perhaps no need to consider these cases.
  5. Figure out other "no parking" signs. Do they have 4 times? No times, a la "anytime"?
    1. Plus, all the other types of signs...

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