Monday, April 20, 2015

More coordination issues

I've learned a lot about this coordinate stuff.

  1. State plane coordinates are either North American Datum 27 or 83 (NAD27 or NAD83). 
  2. State plane coordinates also have zones. It appears that the zone of interest for NYC is 3104.
    1. Evidence 1 and 2.
  3. There are different definitions of "feet", either international or US. 
  4. I believe Google Maps uses WGS84 geodedic latitude and longitude units.
  5. There are two ways to present this data.
    1. Decimal, something like 40.293102.
    2. Degrees, minutes and seconds, like 40 23 85.4832.
    3. The first numbers between the two are the same, and there is a mathematical conversion between the rest of the number.
  6. I'm having trouble using this website to get the right conversions between the given state plane coordinates and geodedic lat long.
    1. This website also has downloaded software (looks like .exe) to do he conversions locally. The two different programs appear to be for the different NAD's.
    2. It seems this website ties the different NADs to either feet or meters representation. I'm not sure this is a necessary distinction.
  7. It's possible that the conversion tool I used to get the shapefile to text messed things up.
For verification purposes I'm trying to tie a Google Maps point to a parking sign, then use the values from the Maps and my files to see if they convert to each other. So far I haven't had luck. But for reference:
  • Randall Avenue, from Bryant Avenue to Faile Street, New York (Bronx?)
    • Lat 40.812406
    • Long -73.885217
  • {"direction": "", "description": "NIGHT REGULATION (MOON & STARS SYMBOLS) NO PARKING (SANITATION BROOM SYMBOL) MIDNIGHT TO 3AM TUES & FRI <-->", "sequence": "3", "mutcd": "SP-341C", "id": 20835, "arrow": "", "y": "235277.09970500000", "x": "1016023.97089000000", "borough": "B", "order": "S-173287"}, 
I need to restart my computer, things are slowing down. Next step: re-examine the conversion from the shapefile to text. Perhaps look into the shapefile more closely. Does it even have the right coordinates for my example sign above?

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