- State plane coordinates are either North American Datum 27 or 83 (NAD27 or NAD83).
- State plane coordinates also have zones. It appears that the zone of interest for NYC is 3104.
- There are different definitions of "feet", either international or US.
- I believe Google Maps uses WGS84 geodedic latitude and longitude units.
- There are two ways to present this data.
- Decimal, something like 40.293102.
- Degrees, minutes and seconds, like 40 23 85.4832.
- The first numbers between the two are the same, and there is a mathematical conversion between the rest of the number.
- I'm having trouble using this website to get the right conversions between the given state plane coordinates and geodedic lat long.
- This website also has downloaded software (looks like .exe) to do he conversions locally. The two different programs appear to be for the different NAD's.
- It seems this website ties the different NADs to either feet or meters representation. I'm not sure this is a necessary distinction.
- It's possible that the conversion tool I used to get the shapefile to text messed things up.
For verification purposes I'm trying to tie a Google Maps point to a parking sign, then use the values from the Maps and my files to see if they convert to each other. So far I haven't had luck. But for reference:
- Randall Avenue, from Bryant Avenue to Faile Street, New York (Bronx?)
- Lat 40.812406
- Long -73.885217
- {"direction": "", "description": "NIGHT REGULATION (MOON & STARS SYMBOLS) NO PARKING (SANITATION BROOM SYMBOL) MIDNIGHT TO 3AM TUES & FRI <-->", "sequence": "3", "mutcd": "SP-341C", "id": 20835, "arrow": "", "y": "235277.09970500000", "x": "1016023.97089000000", "borough": "B", "order": "S-173287"},
I need to restart my computer, things are slowing down. Next step: re-examine the conversion from the shapefile to text. Perhaps look into the shapefile more closely. Does it even have the right coordinates for my example sign above?
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